<![CDATA[Henson Heritage Farm - Blog]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 18:18:53 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[6 kidsĀ ]]>Sat, 17 Sep 2016 03:02:35 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/6-kids
<![CDATA[Apples]]>Sat, 17 Sep 2016 03:01:09 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/apples We have partnered up with a local ORGANIC apple farm. They make the most AMAZING apple cider. All this apple pulp is the leftovers from making cider. Our pigs, goats, sheep and chickens go NUTS for it. Yumm
<![CDATA[mommies helper]]>Wed, 17 Aug 2016 02:58:02 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/mommies-helperPicture
Love all my little helpers. Sariah loves the babies and loves sitting in the barn with them. This early human affection helps tame farm animals and makes chores like feeding, milking and healthcare such as trimming hooves so much easier!!

<![CDATA[new baby girl]]>Thu, 11 Aug 2016 03:06:32 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/new-baby-girlPicture
After weeks of bed rest we were finally able to welcome a new little farm girl to our family. Baby #6 was born at home at 6:15 this morning. Her name is Gloria Rose and we are so excited that she is here!!

<![CDATA[swimming PIGS on a HOT day]]>Thu, 02 Jun 2016 02:49:11 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/swimming-pigs-on-a-hot-day
<![CDATA[pigs]]>Wed, 25 May 2016 02:51:50 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/pigs
<![CDATA[little farm girl]]>Sat, 21 May 2016 02:54:49 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/little-farm-girlPicture
Our Kids help us on the farm from day one. They LOVE their animals. They learn to help do chores as soon as their walking. Feeding Chicks and Bunnies is an enjoyed chore.

<![CDATA[Lambs and Goats]]>Thu, 19 May 2016 02:50:22 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/lambs-and-goats
<![CDATA[Spring]]>Thu, 09 Apr 2015 21:34:22 GMThttp://hensonheritagefarm.com/blog/springPicture
Spring. Warm sun, cool rain and babies....Lots of babies. 

So far this year we have had lambs, twin goats and lots of chicks. 

Our mama cow is due any day and we look forward to sharing all our new additions with you as they arrive. 

Also look four our Spring fling where you can bring your littles to meet our littles. 
